The Ultimate Guide to YouTube Monetization in 2024

how to earn money by watching videos on youtube

For every 30 videos that you watch, you’ll earn around 2 SB points. On average, you can make around $5 per day if you actively complete various Swagbucks tasks. It seems like TikTok evolved from a niche social media platform into a global phenomenon… Blogging is one way you can make money off YouTube through traffic. You can drive traffic from your blog to your YouTube channel.

Unlike the YouTube Partner Program, you can start creating sponsored content anytime. That means your content can dictate how much ad revenue you make. Below, we’ll look at a case study for a personal finance vlogger who attracts the best you can afford with bitcoin right now high-paying advertisers. That makes YouTube ad revenue largely a numbers game — the more views, the more revenue. But there are several factors that influence exactly how much a YouTube creator earns from ads.

Super Features: Super Chat, Super Stickers, Super Thanks

how to earn money by watching videos on youtube

YouTube creators are paid monthly by the Google Adsense program. For earnings from sponsored content, affiliate sales, and merch sales, the payment method will vary depending on the program or avira phantom vpn pro brand you’re working with. Creators on the platform serve as educators, entertainers, and celebrities in their own right. Making money on YouTube happens by monetizing videos, earning sponsorships, and selling products to viewers.

YouTube SEO can be done by adding keywords and tags in the video description, title, and tags section. You should also include keywords in the video’s title, description, tags and thumbnail. The good news is that you don’t even need to be involved in the process. The maximum video length for a YouTube short is 60 seconds.

Turning on AdSense is an excellent way to earn passive income off of the content you’ve already created. You may be wondering how much money YouTubers actually make. While some of the highest paid YouTube creators earn millions of dollars from their videos, not every creator manages to make that much. In fact, the average YouTube channel earns around $18 per 1,000 views. PrizeRebel is a well-established online rewards platform that allows users to earn points by engaging in various activities, including watching videos. On average, YouTubers make between $3 and $5 per 1,000 video views through AdSense.

YouTube Premium: An Extra Way For Creators to Make Money

In most cases, you’ll need a manufacturer, supplier or wholesaler to make and deliver your product. Some suppliers will deliver it to you, and some will spare you the headaches of inventory, shipping and returns by handling it themselves. Hawaiian YouTube star Ryan Higa launched his milk-based energy drink Ninja Melk to leverage the popularity of his viral comedy, Ninja Melk. While he also sells t-shirts and other merch from his online shop, Ninja Melk’s appeal is broad enough it has its own website.

So big that even his videos that explain his brand partnerships have brand partners. Once you’re a YouTube Partner, every view on a video with an ad can make money. To set up Channel Memberships, you must have 30,000 followers, or 1,000 followers if you’re a gaming YouTube channel. You must also be a YouTube Partner and abide by all the other rules in place for monetization and Partners.

  1. To make it easier for others to get in touch if they want to use your viral video, you should include an email address in your “about page” on your YouTube channel.
  2. Remember to put an affiliate disclaimer, telling your audience that you will get paid a commission if they purchase through your link.
  3. Paige Cooper is a lapsed librarian turned copywriter turned inbound marketing strategist who spends her days growing the Hootsuite Labs YouTube channel.
  4. These are intermediary websites that help marketing teams find appropriate influencers to work with.

What to do if you get rejected by the YouTube Partner Program

A good title and thumbnail can work together to attract a viewer’s interest. It is essential to create thumbnails for your videos since it makes them more appealing and helps to project a much more professional look. It doesn’t matter how many strategies and advertising apl btc bitmart advanced chart campaigns you employ for video creation. To achieve success on YouTube, you must create videos that people want to watch and watch all the way through. Since that video is licensed, they will have to pay to use it in their channel or publication. If, for any reason, you violate the community standards or have your account canceled, your members will get a refund for the most recent month of their membership.

Her areas of expertise include making money, investing, and money management. No special equipment is needed beyond a device with internet access. Qualifications are not required; anyone can sign up and start earning.

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